Monday, February 06, 2006

Substitute Teachers

Substitute Teachers
Jan 2-6
Mon- 0ff
tues-Trimble -6th - Elliot
Wed - trimble - Pancake
Thur - AMS - Science
Fri - Trimble -?
Jan 9-13
Mon - Tues - Wed - Off
Thur -Alex MS
Fri- Trimble High - Noel - SS
Jan 16-20
Mon- Off
Tues -Wed - Trimble High - Weed SpEd
Fri-AMS-McGrath - Math
Mon-1/2Day-Tues-East Elem -Purcell
Wed- Off
Thur-Fri-West - East - Horne -Music
Mon- Tues -McArthur Elem - Art
Wed- thur - Off
Fri-Chauncey- 5th Grade
Feb 6-10
Mon -McArthur High- Jardine - snowed out
Tues-McArthur Elem PreSchool
Wed - Allensville Elem 4-5 grades English
Fri-Fedral-Hocking High - History- Kasler

Pic & thoughts

This is just a small repersentation of who I am. Being a substiture teacher only allows a limited time for the students to get to know this complex humans positives & negatives.
Mr james