Wednesday, October 18, 2006

10-17 AMS Ms A Hall

On 10-17 Ms A Hall - another early am call - Ms Hall had an open notebook quiz for the children & then reading & questions. Pointed out to the students the study trick of reading the questions first then read the chapter - then one sees the answers as one is reading. The amount of material was just right to keep the students busy. That is important for a sub. AMS is a - horse of a different coler -- the students @ AMS were very respectful & worked on their assignment in the time given. One of the factors - & I really feel that it is!!! -- Ms Hall has the desk in the "clasic" row method. with this method of alligning a classroom there seems to be much less talking & fooling around. Students do not have to look another student in the face & then still not talk or move things around on the facing student's desk. Also there is not another student as in the 4 cluster, that is sitting right next to another student. I am going to pursue this more with other teachers.
Also talked to student about the fact that "America" is a continent & not a country, as the textbook indicates. Their text was "The American Republic" - now that could refer to the Dominica Republic" & not the land we live in.
Mr. James


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