Monday, October 16, 2006

10-16 Athens High Ms Rapp SS & English

On 10-16 i got the call @ 7:27AM - this must have meant that Ms Rapp could not make it to school on an unexpected occurrence. I can see why she would not want to come to the classes she has been assigned to teach. These are the students that for the most part are only warehoused until someone says that they can graduate or they drop out of school. Don't get me wrong, they as all students in school deserve a chance to gain an education that will "prepare them" to really enter the world of adulthood. Yet with limited examples of where they are headed, these students go through the motions of "going to school". Yet what do they really get from the textbook & class changes that shuffle them from English to history to math to PE. These are the future citizens of this country that will not find the future to be an easy one. Most come from homes where the example of life is - can I get a disability. These students need examples, they need a course with more purpose & direction than the average student. Liberal education is not the answer for these students. Real life skills that will allow these young people to make a real contribution to society & be able to truly earn a living they can be proud of. Where are we leading these student? It is not just their future we are messing up with the course work we give them, but the future of this community & country. Tell them the truth - they are headed to the workforce with limited skills to make a life.
Mr James


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